"NuMex Sundial" and "NuMex Suntop"

"NuMex Sundial" and "NuMex Suntop" resemble "Yellow Sweet Spanish" in most characteristics. Tops are large and non-glaucous. Bulbs are globe to high globe and have a smooth, tan scale. They are firmer than most Sweet Spanish cultivars, and mature 3 to 4 weeks earlier than the Utah strain of "Yellow Sweet Spanish." Bolting resistance is significantly greater than "Ben Shemen," and is adequate for planting as early as 15 Oct. at Las Cruces, N.M. Fall permits extensive top growth before bulbing begins and contributes to a significantly higher yield potential. The greater plant development in cool weather (late winter and spring) also contributes to improved pink root tolerance and increased yields on pink root-infested soils. "NuMex Sundial" and "NuMex Suntop" are suggested for trial planting in areas where short-day cultivars are grown from seed. Suggested seeding dates are the latter part of the short-day planting season, about the same as for "Sew Mexico Yellow Grano." Maturity is 3 to 4 weeks later than for "New Mexico Yellow Grano." (Picture on the left is of NuMex Sundial.)
"NuMex Sundial" and "NuMex Suntop" were derived by selection from "Ben Shemen," an intermediate-day cultivar commonly spring-planted in the southern United States. A selection of 100 non-bolting bulbs was made from a planting with >90% bolting. Bulbs were selfed, leaving one umbel of each to intercross. Tests on selfed progeny indicated one bulb selection (7933) to be superior in bolting resistance and bulb shape. "NuMex Sundial" and "NuMex Suntop" were derived by two cycles of selection form the open-pollinated (intercross) progeny from 7933. (Picture to the right is of NuMex Suntop.)