Christopher S. Cramer

Assistant Professor
Phone: (505) 646-2657
Ph.D. in Horticultural Science. Minor in Genetics and Statistics. Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. May 1997. Dissertation: "Specific combining ability for fruit yield and shape, yield, and yield components of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) populations improved using recurrent selection."
M.S. in Horticulture. Department of Plant Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs. May 1994. Master's Thesis: "In vitro and in vivo studies of Mussaenda."
B.S. in Horticulture. Department of Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Graduated with honors and distinction. May 1991. University Scholar's Program. Undergraduate Thesis. "Hybridization between diploid and tetraploid Pelargonium xhortorum Bailey."
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor of Horticulture. 9/97-Present. Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, New Mexico State University. Develop high-yielding, high-quality, disease-resistant, bolting-resistant, short-, intermediate-, and long-day onion varieties for southern New Mexico. Investigate genetics involved in disease resistance, bolting resistance, pungency,, male sterility, and bulb quality of onion. Teach undergraduate courses in introductory plant science (AGRO/HORT 100), herbaceous ornamental plants (HORT 200), organic vegetable production (HORT 200/450), and vegetable crop management (HORT 485), and graduate course in biometrical genetics in plant breeding (AGRO/HORT 670). Faculty member in Molecular Biology and MBRS-RISE programs.
Postdoctoral Researcher. 7/97-9/97. Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University. Screened cucumber seedlings for gummy stem blight resistance and wrote refereed scientific publications.
Graduate Research Assistant. 8/94-6/97. Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University. Evaluated breeding material for yield, quality, and disease resistance. Inoculated disease trials, conducted greenhouse hybridizations, and managed greenhouse facility. Designed and harvested field trials. Collected and analyzed data and developed statistical programs. Wrote grant proposals and refereed scientific publications, presented talks and posters at scientific meetings.
Graduate Teaching Assistant. 8/95-12/95, 8/96-12/96. Vegetable Crop Production (HS 431) and Plant Breeding Methods (HS 541). Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University. Taught lectures and laboratories. Designed and graded homework exercises, quizzes and exams. Conducted review sessions and field trips.
Graduate Research Assistant. 8/91-5/94. Department of Plant Science, University of Connecticut. Micropropagated Alstroemeria and Mussaenda. Developed protocols for in vitro culture, micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, asexual propagation, and pot plant culture of Mussaenda. Utilized mutation breeding for Mussaenda; conducted asexual propagation and field trials of Alstroemeria; and evaluated herbaceous perennials for field-grown cut flowers. Wrote grant proposals and refereed scientific publications; analyzed data; and presented talks and posters at scientific meetings.
Honors and Awards
- 1997 L. M. Ware Distinguished Research Award, Southern Region ASHS
- 1991 First Place Oral Presentation Award, Collegiate Branch Forum, American Society for Horticultural Science
Membership in Professional and Honorary Societies and Offices Held
- 1998-2002 Root and Bulb Vegetable Crop Advisory Committee, Agricultural Research Service, USDA.
- 1997-2002 New Mexico Academy of Science
- 1996-2002 National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
- 1995-2001 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative
- 1993-2002 Network of Agriculture Cooperation, College of Agriculture Alumni Society, The Pennsylvania State University
- 1991-2002 Penn State Alumni Association, College of Agricultural Science Alumni Society, Horticulture Affiliate Group
- 1989-2002 American Society for Horticultural Science, National and Southern Region (1996-1997)
- Phi Kappa Phi, National Academic Honor Society
- Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Honorary
- Gamma Sigma Delta (Honor Society of Agriculture), Secretary (New Mexico State Univ. chapter, 2000-2002)
- Pi Alpha Xi, Honor Society for Floriculture, Landscape Horticulture, and Ornamental Horticulture, Iota Chapter Secretary (1995-1996)
Committee Participation and Offices Held
- 2001-2002 Agronomy and Horticulture New Student Orientation Committee
- 2001-2002 Agronomy and Horticulture Scholarship Committee
- 2001-2002 Agricultural Experiment Station Publications Committee
- 2000-2003 American Society for Horticultural Science Centennial Planning Committee
- 1999-2002 Horticulture Curriculum Committee
- 1998-1999 American Society for Horticultural Science Ornamental Plant Breeding Working Group Secretary
- 1998-2001 American Society for Horticultural Science Scholarship Awards Committee
- 1998-2002 American Society for Horticultural Science Membership Recruiter for New Mexico State University
- 1995-1998 American Society for Horticultural Science Outstanding Graduate Educator Career Award Committee (Chair, 1997-98)
- 1993-1996 American Society for Horticultural Science Intellectual Property Rights Working Group Steering Committee
Refereed Publications
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2001. ‘NuMex Chaco’ onion. HortScience. 36:1337-1338.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2001. ‘NuMex Snowball’ onion. HortScience. 36:1339-1340.
- Cramer, C.S. 2001. Comparing open-pollinated and hybrid onion populations for New Mexico. HortTechnology 11:119-123.
- Cramer, C.S. 2000. Breeding and genetics of Fusarium basal rot resistance in onions. Euphytica 115:159-166.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 2000. Path analysis of the correlation between fruit yield and yield components of cucumber populations. HortScience 35:708-711.
- Cramer, C.S. 1999. Lab techniques for determining ploidy in plants. HortTechnology 9:954-956.
- Cramer, C.S. and M.J. Havey. 1999. Morphological, biochemical, and molecular markers of onions. HortScience 34:589-593.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1999. Little heterosis for yield and yield components in hybrids of six cucumber inbreds. Euphytica 110:101-110.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1999. Testcross performance of three selection cycles from four pickling cucumber populations. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 124:257-261.
- Cramer, C.S., T.C. Wehner, and S.B. Donaghy. 1999. PATHSAS: A SAS computer program for path coefficient analysis of quantitative data. J. Hered. 90:260-262.
- Cramer, C.S. and M.P. Bridgen. 1998. Growth regulator effects on plant height of potted Mussaenda 'Queen Sirikit'. HortScience 33:78-81.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1998. Fruit yield and yield component means and correlations of four slicing cucumber populations improved through six to ten cycles of recurrent selection. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 123:388-395.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1998. Performance of three selection cycles from four slicing cucumber populations hybridized to a tester. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 123:396-400.
- Cramer, C.S. and M.P. Bridgen. 1997. Somatic embryogenesis and shoot proliferation of Mussaenda cultivars. Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture 50:135-138.
- Wehner, T.C. and C.S. Cramer. 1996. Gain for pickling cucumber yield and fruit shape using recurrent selection. Crop Sci. 36:1538-1544.
- Wehner, T.C. and C.S. Cramer. 1996. Ten cycles of recurrent selection for fruit yield, earliness, and quality in three slicing cucumber populations. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 121:362-366.
In Press
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2002. ‘NuMex Crimson’ onion. HortScience.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 2002. Path coefficient analysis. In: M. S. Kang (ed.). Formulas, Softwares, and Techniques for Geneticists and Breeders. Food Products Press, New York.
In Review
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2002. ‘NuMex Solano’ onion. HortScience.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2002. ‘NuMex Crimson’ onion. Plant variety protection application.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2002. ‘NuMex Solano’ onion. Plant variety protection application.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2002. ‘NuMex Camino’ onion cultivar release. N.M. Agr. Expt. Stn.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 2002. Genotype x environment interaction and stability of performance for fruit yield and quality in pickling and slicing cucumbers in North Carolina. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
- Havey, M.J. and C.S. Cramer. 2002. Nuclear restoration of male fertility confirms that a source of cytoplasmic male sterility from ‘Nasik White’ is S-cytoplasm. Allium Improv. Newsl.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.L. Mendoza. 2001. Performance of fall-planted onion cultivars at four planting dates. HortScience (Abst. 180).
- Cramer, C.S., J.L. Mendoza, and J.N. Corgan. 2000. Hybrid performance of male-sterile and pollinator inbred onion lines. HortScience 35:398. (Abstr. #057)
- Cramer, C.S., J.N. Corgan, J.L. Mendoza, and M.M. Wall. 2000. Onion breeding research at New Mexico State University. Alliums 2000.
- Cramer, C.S. 1998. Lab techniques for determining ploidy. HortScience 33:555. (Abstr.)
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1997. Heterosis and inbreeding depression for yield of pickling cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) hybrids. HortScience 32:450. (Abstr.)
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1996. Recurrent selection for specific combining ability for yield in four pickling cucumber populations. HortScience 31:626. (Abstr.)
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1996. Recurrent selection for specific combining ability for yield in four slicing cucumber populations. HortScience 31:747. (Abstr.)
- Cramer, C.S. and M.P. Bridgen. 1994. Growth regulator effects on height control of potted Mussaenda 'Queen Sirikit'. HortScience 29:430. (Abstr.)
- Cramer, C.S. and M.P. Bridgen. 1994. Somatic embryogenesis of Mussaenda 'Queen Sirikit'. HortScience 29:251. (Abstr.)
- Cramer, C.S. and M.P. Bridgen. 1993. In vitro shoot proliferation of Mussaenda 'Doña Luz'. HortScience 28:447. (Abstr.)
- Cramer, C.S. and M.P. Bridgen. 1993. Effect of daminozide, ancymidol and paclobutrazol on height control of potted Mussaenda. HortScience 28:257. (Abstr.)
- Cramer, C.S. and R. Craig. 1991. Hybridization between diploid and tetraploid Pelargonium xhortorum Bailey. HortScience 26:739. (Abstr.)
Non-Refereed Publications
- Cramer, C.S. 2002. Current and future objectives of NMSU’s onion breeding program, pp. 10-12. In: R. Bevacqua (ed.) Onion Production and Marketing in New Mexico. N.M. Coop. Ext. Serv. Circ. 577.
- Cramer, C.S. 2002. Current and future objectives of NMSU onion breeding program, pp. 12-15. In: R.F. Bevacqua and T.R. Cardenas (eds.) Onion Production and Marketing in New Mexico. Proc. Onion Conf. March 6, 2002, Las Cruces, NM.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2002. ‘NuMex Crimson’ onion cultivar release. N.M. Agr. Expt. Stn.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2002. ‘NuMex Solano’ onion cultivar release. N.M. Agr. Expt. Stn.
- Cramer, C.S., J.L. Mendoza, and M.M. Wall. 2002. 2000-2001 Onion variety trials at New Mexico State University. N.M. Agric. Expt. Sta. Res. Rpt. 748.
- Corgan, J.N. and C.S. Cramer. 2001. NM 162 and NM 182 onion germplasm. N.M. Agric. Expt. Stn. Germplasm Rel.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2001. ‘NuMex Chaco’ onion. Plant variety protection certificate no. 200000352.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.N. Corgan. 2001. ‘NuMex Snowball’ onion. Plant variety protection certificate no. 200000351.
- Cramer, C.S., J.N. Corgan, J.L. Mendoza, and M.M. Wall. 2001. Onion breeding research at New Mexico State University, pp. 202-204. In: B. Randle (ed.). Alliums 2000. Proc. The 3rd International Symposium on Edible Alliaceae. Athens, GA.
- Cramer, C.S. and J.L. Mendoza. 2001. Hybrid performance of male-sterile and pollinator inbred onion lines. N.M. Agric. Expt. Sta. Res. Rpt. 746.
- Cramer, C.S., J.L. Mendoza, and M.M. Wall. 2001. 1999-2000 Onion variety trials at New Mexico State University. N.M. Agric. Expt. Sta. Tech. Rpt. 38.
- Cramer, C.S., M. O’Neill, C. Owen, and .K. Kohler. 2001. Onions – New Mexico spring planted variety trial, pp. 68- 71. In: NMSU Agricultural Science Center – Farmington. 2000 Annual Report.
- Cramer, C.S., M. O’Neill, C. Owen, and .K. Kohler. 2001. Onions – Over winter survival trial, pp. 65- 67. In: NMSU Agricultural Science Center – Farmington. 2000 Annual Report.
- Lopez, J.A. and C.S. Cramer. 2001. Screening NPGS short-day onion accessions for resistance to Fusarium basal rot. Allium Improv. Newsl. 10:29-31.
- Wall, M.M., J.N. Corgan, C.S. Cramer, S. Walker, and J.L. Mendoza. 2001. Development of low pungency onion cultivars for New Mexico, pp. 251-253. In: B. Randle (ed.). Alliums 2000. Proc. The 3rd International Symposium on Edible Alliaceae. Athens, GA.
- Corgan, J.N. and C.S. Cramer. 2000. ‘NuMex Chaco’ onion cultivar release. N.M. Agr. Expt. Stn.
- Corgan, J.N. and C.S. Cramer. 2000. ‘NuMex Snowball’ onion cultivar release. N.M. Agr. Expt. Stn.
- Corgan, J.N., M.M. Wall, C.S. Cramer, T. Sammis, B. Lewis, and J. Schroeder. 2000. Bulb onion culture and management. N.M. Coop. Exten. Serv. Circ. 563.
- Cramer, C.S. 2000. New Mexico onion varieties. N.M. Coop. Exten. Serv. Circ. 567.
- Cramer, C.S., J.N. Corgan, J.L. Mendoza, and M.M. Wall. 2000. 1998-1999 Onion variety trials at New Mexico State University. N.M. Agric. Expt. Stn. Res. Rpt. 739.
- Cramer, C.S., J.L. Mendoza, and J.N. Corgan. 2000. Gain in onion bulb yield and quality traits using phenotypic recurrent selection of three open-pollinated populations. Allium Impr. Newsl. 9:5-7.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 2000. Fruit yield and yield component correlations of four pickling cucumber populations. Cucurbit Genet. Coop. Rep. 23:12-15.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 2000. Testing method and the correlation between cucumber fruit yield and yield components. Cucurbit Genet. Coop. Rep. 23:16-20.
- Cramer, C.S., J.L. Mendoza, and J.N. Corgan. 1998. Fall-planted onion variety trials at New Mexico State University, p. 299-312. In: R.E. Voss (ed.). Proc. 1998 Natl. Onion (and Other Allium) Res. Conf. Veg. Res. Info. Ctr., Univ. Calif., Davis, Calif.
- Cramer, C.S., M.M. Wall, and J.N. Corgan. 1998. Onion breeding research at New Mexico State University, p. 54-73. In: R.E. Voss (ed.). Proc. 1998 Natl. Onion (and Other Allium) Res. Conf. Veg. Res. Info. Ctr., Univ. Calif., Davis, Calif.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1998. Fruit yield and yield components of cucumber populations grown at low planting density, p. 277-285. Cucurbitaceae ’98, evaluation and enhancement of cucurbit germplasm (Ed. J. D. McCreight). ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1998. Stand correction methods for cucumber fruit yield. Cucurbit. Genet. Coop. Rep. 21:18-20.
- Cramer, C.S. and T.C. Wehner. 1998. Yield components in cucumber: an overview, p. 271-276. Cucurbitaceae ’98, evaluation and enhancement of cucurbit germplasm (Ed. J. D. McCreight). ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA.
- Corgan, J.N., M.M. Wall, and C.S. Cramer. 1997. Onion genetic improvement at New Mexico State University. Allium Improv. Newsl. 7:1-3.
- Cramer, C.S. and M.P. Bridgen. 1997. I. 16. Micropropagation of Mussaenda cultivars, p. 214-224. In: Y.P.S. Bajaj (ed.). Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry. vol. 40. High-Tech and micropropagation VI. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg.
- Bridgen, M.P. and C.S. Cramer. 1993. Give mussaenda a try as a novelty selection. Greenhouse Manager. October 1993. pp. 78-81.
- Cramer, C.S. 1991. The use of growth retardants with Chrysanthemum morifolium. Pennsylvania Flower Growers Bulletin. November-December 1991. pp. 1-3.